The Ins and Outs of Ocean Survey Equipment For Third Party Purchasers

 The reason why ocean survey equipment can be difficult to understand is that it not only has a ton of complicated technical jargon, but also that this equipment cannot be grouped into one single cluster. For example, some equipment is necessary in the steps of procurement, some equipment is necessary in the steps of installation, and still other equipment exists for the sake of testing and evaluation of underwater environments. Whatever the case may be, getting to know about all of this equipment can be a big chore.


In order to help you decode some key devices involved in surveying oceans, here is a quick sampler of systems and technologies involved in surveying the oceans.

Metocean Technology

Metocean technology is technology specially designed to monitor the ocean in conjunction with the weather. Usually, the types of equipment meant for metocean science have conduits on both the surface and underwater. Through the currents of the water, these devices can produce a better sense of where a storm may be coming from. Vice versa, a monitor of surrounding weather patterns can help aid in determining the currents and movements of the body of water.

Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler

The name of this piece of equipment is funny – when you think of acoustic, you may instantly conjure up an image in your mind of a folksy guitar, or a stripped-back live performance. Acoustics in the context of underwater technology also relates to the use of sound, but not for musical reasons (necessarily). The acoustic doppler current profiler is used mainly to track the patterns of waves and currents using sonar tracking and profiling. 

Within the column of water, particles gather which can give off an echo of an acoustic soundwave. Usually there is a nearby station which can monitor the movement of the sound toward the ocean. Using this acoustic doppler technology, a team can track distance from the surface of the ocean (or the instrument) to the bottom of the ocean, measure the gross displacement of water, the strength of the waves as well as the turbulence of the surrounding area. 

Sonar Equipment

If you are going to employ doppler tracking techniques, then you will need equipment. Thankfully, one of the ocean businesses you could potentially partner with can help you rent sonar equipment for your project. With sonar equipment, you will be able to perform doppler monitoring of waves as well as depth monitoring.

Seismic Connectors

In order to connect one set of cables to another, and then one of those sets of cables to a branch system, then you will need a connector capable of withstanding large amounts of pressure and force. Seismic connectors are designed to withstand seismic pressure, and ones of high quality will likely aid you in your journey to your ocean monitoring project.

Lights and Cameras

No, you’re not going to be shooting a Hollywood movie. But with the right high-definition camera and halogen lighting systems, you will be able to see the depths of the ocean they way you could see it as imagined in the movie Titanic. And if you have the added benefit of carrying a UV light-lens, you will be able to see varying levels of seafloor life.


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