Not Just in Finding Nemo: How to Track Ocean Currents Using Marine Engineering Tools Like an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler
When you go over or under a body of water, having an acoustic doppler current profiler can be a major help because you can actually ahead of time see where the currents are headed and how powerful they are. Regardless of how big your team is or where you are stationed, knowing what is happening underwater can tell you exactly how you want to act above water as well. Let’s say that you are going around Cape Horn for an expedition. You have limited oil resources to fuel the boat, and you are simply hoping that the amount of fuel you have will take you around the horn and safely to shore. Where the currents are rushing towards is actually a matter of serious importance right now. Moreover, without the requisite rescue equipment, your team faces a serious risk if there is inclement weather and some sort of calamity strikes your boat. You will be much more prepared for what course of action you need to take if you have the right equipment. Having equipment like an acoustic...